Cupping is a traditional therapy used in Chinese medicine to clear blockages, improve circulation and to augment the effectiveness of acupuncture, moxibustion. It is often used as a folk therapy to alleviate sickness not just in ancient China but also many other parts of the world.
How does cupping benefit me?
By drawing up the skin, cupping breaks up tension, stimulates blood flow, improves lymphatic drainage and promotes circulation. It improves the condition of your muscle tissues and relaxes tendons. It is also used to help you relax emotionally. It is beneficial for muscular-skeletal pain, respiratory conditions and circulation problems.
How does cupping work?
First of all, massage oil is rubbed on the back, shoulders or the legs. A flame goes inside the glass cup to create a vacuum and the vacuum goes on the skin to create suction. We then slide the cups down the back or leave the cups on the skin for a few minutes before they are taken off.
How will I feel during the treatment? Will it hurt?
People describe the cupping feeling as tight as the suction works through the body tissues. We adjust the strength of the suction according to your preference. Most people are amazed how much loosened up and relaxed they feel after the cupping. Cupping does not have to hurt in order to work.
What are the round marks left on the skin after the cupping?
During the cupping session, some cups will draw up a mark only where there is stagnation in the muscles tissues. This is not a bruise. The colour of the mark indicates how much blockages has been released by the cupping. The colour ranges from pink, red to dark purple. The darker the colour, the more the stagnation there is. This is the result of impaired circulation due to tension accumulated in the area because of physical or emotional stress. These marks will usually disappear within 1 or 2 weeks. Where there is no stagnation, cupping will not leave a mark.
The information provided here is intended for informational and educational purposes. It is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice from your personal doctor. It does not provide a guarantee to success.