This is an ancient warming technique of an acupuncture point by the burning of the therapeutic herb, mugwort, also called moxa, or artemisia. The word “acupuncture” only translates half of the meaning of the actual Chinese character 針灸for traditional acupuncture. The other half is moxibustion, or literally the combustion of moxa. This traditional way of acupuncture with moxibustion is much more effective than acupuncture without moxibustion, though there are situations where moxibustion is not indicated.
Why moxibustion is crucial to acupuncture?
Moxibustion is not practiced in many clinics nowadays because it takes much more time and care from the practitioner. In our clinic, however, we strive to do what is most beneficial to you, rather than what is more convenient for us. Research has shown that acupuncture with moxibustion is 7 times more therapeutic than acupuncture alone. That means if you have acupuncture without moxibustion, you will need a lot more treatments and spend more money to get better. Acupuncture without moxibustion is sometimes likened to the use of a gun without the bullet.
Why does moxibustion benefit me?
This therapy strengthens the effect of the acupuncture needle, warms meridians and reduces inflammation. This in turn helps to improve metabolism and circulation and strengthens internal organs. Moxibustion is used in many conditions. For example, it is frequently used in pain management, menstrual and pregnancy issues. Research has shown that moxibustion improves blood circulation in the pelvic and reproductive area.
How does moxibustion work?
The type is moxibustion we used in our clinic is called indirect moxa, which means that the moxa does not come in contact with the skin. We use two ways of moxibustion. One way is to hold a rolled up moxa stick close to an acupuncture point or a point of stagnation and hover for a few minutes until the point is gradually becomes warm. Another way to attach a moxa head at the end of a needle and let the warmth gently go through the needle to the strengthen its action.
How will I feel during moxibustion?
During the moxibustion therapy you will experience a pleasant warming sensation and also comfort and relaxation. There is no pain involved with this type of indirect moxa that we use. There are 2 types of moxa we use depending on your preference: the stronger traditional pure moxa that gives out a smoke and a pungent flavour; the modern smokeless moxa that gives out no smoke but just a mild aroma.
The information provided here is intended for informational and educational purposes. It is not intended to be a replacement for professional medical advice from your personal doctor. It does not provide a guarantee to success.