
Facing Menopause Naturally

Posted October 24th, 2023
Many women suffer from menopausal syndrome

Menopause occurs naturally when a woman reaches the end of her menstrual cycle. This happens due to the decline of oestrogen and progesterone around late 40s or early 50s. As a result many women suffer a long list of symptoms from hot flushes and insomnia to bone loss and brain fog. This tends to be more common in causation women rather than Asian women.

In addition, certain women experience more severe symptoms because of early menopause or artificial menopause. This may be due to ovarian failure, cancer treatment, surgery or smoking. 

While many women turn to conventional hormonal therapy for menopausal symptoms, others seek bio-identical hormonal treatments and traditional Chinese treatment in order to minimise the risks of side effects. 

Symptoms of Hormonal Decline for Women

  • Hot flushes and night sweats. Decreased oestrogen levels cause the hypothalamus, the body ‘thermostat’, to become more sensitive to changes in body temperature. (Ref. 1) 
  • Weight gain. This is due to slowing metabolism & decrease in muscle mass (Ref. 2) 
  • Insomnia. Melatonin, the sleep hormone, declines partly to oestrogen & progesterone decline (Ref. 3)
  • Joint pain and arthritis. This is due to the oestrogen impact on the soft tissues (Ref. 4) 
  • Vaginal atrophy. This is the thinning and drying of the vagina. It causes painful sex, incontinence and frequent urinary tract infection (Ref. 5).
  • Osteoporosis. Bone loss is directly due to oestrogen decline. (Ref. 6)
  • Brain fog & mood swings. The drop in progesterone and oestrogen cause decline in cognitive function and mood instability (Ref. 7)
  • Urinary incontinence due to relaxed pelvic muscles
  • Cardiac palpitations & fast heart rhythm. This is a direct result of low oestrogen which leads to overstimulation of the heart (Ref 8)
  • Scalp hair thinning & an increase in facial hair.

How Does TCM Improve Menopausal Symptoms?

Traditional Chinese medicine draws on the concept of balancing two opposite forces – Yin and Yang

The class of Chinese herbs that is often used for alleviating menopausal symptoms is called Kidney tonics. When used in combination with other appropriate herbs, some of the menopausal symptoms can be alleviated. Acupuncture may also help with reducing hot flushes and improve sleep.  

One study examines the possible mechanism of action of a Chinese herbal formula on the menopause-like symptoms in China (Ref. 1). The oestrogen signaling pathway might play a key role in reducing the symptoms. The treatment reversed the reduction in oestrogen.  

Another study (Ref. 9 ) shows that a Chinese herb mix with Kidney tonics and Blood tonics possess antiaging and antioxidative properties and increase estrogen receptors in ovariectomised rats. The herbs mix is widely used in China for hot flushes, sleep disturbances and emotional instability.  

A randomised controlled trial showed that acupuncture effectively reduced hot flushes in breast cancer patients going through cancer treatments. (Ref. 10)

Lifestyle Changes for Menopausal Women

  • Exercise. Appropriate exercise benefit oestrogen, progesterone and testosterone (Ref. 11). In addition it also promotes the production of the ‘happy’ hormones, serotonin and dopamine. 30 minutes a day of alternating cardiovascular and strength training exercises assist with your physical and mental well-being. 
  • Sufficient sleep. Sleep deprivation increases the circulation of stress hormone and decreases testosterone production causing poor memory and concentration, libido and low moods.
  • Avoid oestrogen disrupters. The common ones are Atrazine, Bisphenol A, Dioxin, Phthalates. (Ref. 12 ) These are found in processed food, packaging, cosmetics and pesticides. 
  • Maintain healthy weight. Obesity increases the incidence of hot flushes. 
  • Reduce Stress. Slow down, meditate, walk in nature and pray. 
  • Stop smoking. Smoking also increases the severity of hot flushes. 


1. Hot Flashes, Mayo Clinic. May 22, 2022

https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hot-flashes/symptoms-causes/syc-20352790# 1. Chinese herbs mix Tiao-Geng-Tang possess antiaging and antioxidative effects and upregulates expression of estrogen receptors alpha and beta in ovariectomised rats. Published online 2011 Dec 30, National Institute of Health. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3286390/

2. ”Why am I gaining weight so fast during menopause?“ uchicagomedicine.org April 24, 2023

3. Women‘s Health Concern: Menopause and insomnia. www.womens-health-concern.org 2022 British Menopause Society. 

4. Currie H, Moger SJ. Menopause – Understanding the impact on women and their partners. Post Reporductive Health. 2019; 25(4): 183-190 

5. Vaginal Atrophy, Cleveland Clinic. 4th Oct 2023 https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/15500-vaginal-atrophy

6. Osteoporosis, Australasian Menopausal Society. July 2023 

7. Brain Fog and Menopause. SimplyHealth website.  

8. Heart Palpitations and Menopause. Medical News Today. 31st Jan 2022 

9. Yin Huo Tang, a traditional Chinese herbal formula, relives ovariectomy and empty bottle stimulation-induced menopause-like symptoms in mice. Frontiers https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fendo.2022.994642/full

10. Acupuncture for the Treatment of Hot Flushes in Breast Cancer: Randomised controlled trials, Journal of Clinical Oncology – volume 34 No 15, May 20, 2016

11. How Does Exercise Affect Your Hormones? Blog at the Marion Gluck Clinic,

12. Endocrine Disruptors, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences


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