
Acupuncture Clinic Surviving The Fire

Posted March 21st, 2018


One Year Since The Fire

As the bushfire currently swept through Tathra along the south coast of NSW destroying 69 homes, I am reminded of the horrific experience of the fire that burnt down my treatment room around one year ago. Many of you who have been for treatment would not believe what it looked like the day after the fire. My family was minutes from losing our lives. I thank God for everyday I have my family and that I am still talking to you today.

What Happened
On a hot summer night in February 2017, we were asleep in the middle of the night only to wake up to one of the smoke alarms. Initially we thought it was false alarm in the street and would eventually stop like it would every single time in the past. I tried to go back to sleep. Eventually my husband got up, thank God, thinking that he needed to change the battery. As soon as the bedroom door was open we could smell smoke – and it’s not the moxa smoke that accompanies the acupuncture. “GET OUT!” we screamed to wake up our sons.
As we ran out of the house, I saw my trolley in the treatment room on fire. I tried but could not go inside to stop the fire because my cupping glasses were exploding every few seconds. We watched helplessly in the backyard listening to the sounds of explosion while calling the fire brigade. The scariest thing was watching how quickly the fire spread from the trolley to the whole treatment room then to the waiting room and up the stairs.
Thank God for the fire fighters who arrived within six minutes. They courageously walked into a burning house that could potentially collapse and explode in any moment. Within 30 minutes they stopped the whole house from destruction. As strange as it sounds, I felt incredibly lucky because all our lives are spared. My wonderful husband, my beautiful boys, our fish and budgies survived, though covered in soot.
What caused the fire? That remains a mystery. Because everything was destroyed in the treatment room, it was impossible to pin point how it started. The investigators put it down to electrical fault. It could happen in any house.

Lessons To Learn
Sometimes it takes a catastrophe for us to realise how precious life is.
• Life’s short. Make the most of everyday you have with your loved ones.
• Check your smoke alarm regularly.
• Know your fire exits.
• Unplug as many electrical appliances as possible at night.

Things To Be Thankful For
• The smoke alarm!
• My husband who got up in time to save us.
• The mobile phone in my hand to call the fire brigade.
• My boys who stopped me from going back inside.
• The awesome fire fighters who saved our house and everything in it.
• We are still alive!

We Have No Control
Unfortunately not everyone survives disasters. If we did lose our lives, it would be devastating but we would still be OK because we know where we are going when we die. The fact that our lives were spared on that hot summer night means that our mission is not finished. There is more work to be done. We have no control, but God is.

The New Clinic
The treatment rooms have now been restored and been up and running eight months since the fire last year. Electrical, gas and water works have been renewed. Acupuncture needles, herbs and equipment are brand new. Patient records are stored on the cloud. What doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. See you some time!

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