
Can Muscle Loss Be Reversed?

Posted September 24th, 2018

Why Do We Lose Muscles When We Age?

Both men and women lose muscle mass as they age possibly due to the combination of inactivity and hormonal change. With muscles, you either use it or lose it. Adding to the fact that older people tend to be less active, people over 50 are less able to store protein in order to build muscles. This muscle loss appears to be more obvious in women after menopause. The equivalent of menopause in men is andropause, which tends to come on more gradually than menopause.

Why Is It Important To Stop Age-Related Muscle Loss?

Your muscles support your bones, posture and stamina. As you lose muscles, you are more prone to frailty, falls and fractures. Muscle loss also leads to metabolic rate decline. That makes it easier for you to gain weight and develop diabetes type II. Research says that aerobic exercise and resistance exercise may prevent insulin resistance and thus diabetes type 2.

Strength exercises can enhance bone density, mental sharpness and circulation and may even prevent osteoporosis.

Is It Possible Stop Age-Related Muscle Loss?

Absolutely! Focus on two things: exercise and diet.

  1. Exercise.

Do strength, resistance, cardiovascular exercises such as push-ups, squats, weight lifts, core work, walking, running, dancing, tennis, cycling and swimming.

  1. Diet.

Include high proteins, multivitamins and antioxidants in your diet.

Sources of protein are eggs, nuts, fish, beans, lentils and meat.

Sources of multivitamins antioxidants are fresh vegetables and fruits.

Don’t Hurt Yourself

Many people injure themselves at the gym and come for acupuncture after weight training, running and even yoga. I’d be out of business if it wasn’t for the gym! Some common problems with training are runners who strain their hamstrings, calves or groin muscles. Warm up and stretching before and after training is crucial. Many weight lifters injure their wrists and backs due to wrong posture or inappropriate weights for their body strength. Get a professional trainer, do plenty of research and listen to your body. The general rule is: if a part of your body is in pain, it’s time to stop. So long as the pain is not aggravated, do a different exercise to keep up with the fitness while the injured area recovers.




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