
Getting Pregnant Over 35

Posted June 18th, 2015

Getting Pregnant Over 35 Can Be Tricky.  Find Out How To Increase Your Chances of Pregnancy.

If you are trying to get pregnant over 35 years of age, this information may help you. Women are most fertile in their 20s. As we hit 30, our fertility decreases gradually and drops steeply as we hit 35. Studies show that by the age of 40 and beyond, only two in five couples will be able to get pregnant. However, an increasing number of women over 35 are able to conceive with the improvement in fertility tests, IVF technology and the traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture.

Pregnancy & Age

How Long Does It Take To Get Pregnant Over 35 Years Of Age?

Your age is one of the most important factors in the ability to get pregnant. Statistics show that over 90% of women between 30 and 40 will get pregnancy within two years of active attempt to conceive. Beyond 40, the chances are much lower.

Why Does Fertility Decline Quickly After The Age Of 35?

* The Eggs Health

The major reason for the difficulty in falling pregnant when we are older is due to the decline in the ovarian reserve, that is, the quantity and quality of eggs in the ovaries. You are born with a certain number of eggs in your ovaries. As you get older, the number of eggs decreases after each menstrual cycle where an egg is released. As you get older, sometimes there may be no egg release in a menstrual cycle.

Having said that, recent research has shown that women may actually produce eggs throughout the reproductive years as stem cells have been found within the ovaries that produce new egg cells. More research is necessary to study the benefits of fertility treatments on the quality and quantity of human eggs.

It takes around 90 days for an egg to grow into maturity to be ready for ovulation. During this time, strengthening the hormones, nutrition and circulation and reducing stress may greatly improve your egg health.

* Blockages In The Reproductive System

Another reason for rising infertility with age is the increase of chances of blockages in the woman’s reproductive organs due to disorders such as pelvic inflammatory diseases, endometriosis and fibroids. These may cause adhesion and blockages in the fallopian tubes, uterus and ovaries and cervix leading to infertility.

Depending on the site and size of the blockage, acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help reduce the severity of small blockages and prevent future ones. Large blockages and total obstruction often require surgical removal and the assistance of IVF to facilitate pregnancy.

How Can I Increase My Chance Of Getting Pregnant?

  1. Know your fertile window. You are most fertile around your ovulation time when an egg is released. You increase your chances of fertility if you have sexual intercourse starting from about five days before the day of ovulation everyday until the day of ovulation.
  2. Reduce toxicity in your diet and lifestyle. Smoking, alcohol, caffeine, radiation, plastic lining of can foods, plastic drink bottles, chemotherapy can all reduce the quality of eggs and sperms. Increase the intake of healthy foods such as royal jelly, eggs, oysters, prawns, fresh vegetables and fruits.
  3. Use acupuncture and Chinese medicine to strengthen your overall health, regulate your menstrual cycle and reduce stress in your system.

What Should I Do Now?

If you are thinking of getting pregnant over 35, talk to a fertility specialist immediately for different options of assisted fertility. Both you and your partner will need to be tested for your reproductive health with examinations such as blood test, laparoscopy, sperm analysis and physical examination. Find out how acupuncture and Chinese medicine can help you.


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